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Creating Stronger Foundations for Modern Love: Couples Therapy Redefined

Do you and your partner find yourselves arguing over the same issues without resolution?

Are past traumas affecting your relationship dynamics?

Or, are you and your partner experiencing challenges in balancing individual needs with those of the relationship?

Choosing the journey of couples therapy requires a level of courage and commitment. It takes bravery to acknowledge that your relationship may need support and guidance, and even more openness to take the steps necessary to seek professional help. Welcome to our couples page. If you're ready to address conflicts or resolve issues; as well as begin to face vulnerabilities, explore deep-seated emotions, and actively work towards healing and growth together, this may be the place for you!

Regardless of the challenges you may face, all couples deserve the opportunity to cultivate a relationship built with love, understanding, and fulfillment. Our couples therapist is here to support you in identifying areas for growth within your relationship. Together, you'll collaborate to establish clear goals and develop a tailored plan to help you achieve them.

Couple Showing Affection

Therapeutic Focuses


In View Counseling's unique approach to couples therapy includes utilizing EMDR in couples work. Engaging in Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy with a partner present offers significant advantages. It fosters a profound sense of empathy between partners. The presence and assistance of a partner during this kind of therapy process contributes to feelings of safety, connection, and purpose for both individuals.


Additionally, couples in which a traumatic incident, whether occurring before or during the relationship, has visibly affected their dynamic, as well as highly reactive couples, tend to benefit the most from incorporating EMDR into their couples therapy. Our EMDR trained therapists began incorporating this modality with their couple clients and feedback we have received has reaffirmed just how powerful this technique can be.


Areas of therapeutic focus with our couples encompass a wide range of topics, including:

  • Communication

  • Family relationships

  • Financial matters

  • Parenting decisions, including whether to have children and parenting styles

  • Roles and responsibilities within the relationship

  • Intimacy and affection

  • Values and beliefs

Additionally, we address specific challenges such as:

  • Navigating non-traditional relationships

  • Intimacy issues

  • Emotional and physical distance

  • Premarital counseling

  • Relationship termination

  • Trust issues

  • Blending families

Common Questions Before Attending Couples Counseling:

Couple in Raincoats

What if we aren’t married yet? Is couples counseling still helpful?


That’s great. Regardless of whether you're married or not, couples counseling is incredibly beneficial for addressing relationship issues. It provides an opportunity to establish a solid foundation for your future together. During therapy, you and your partner can openly discuss expectations and enhance your communication skills. Seeking couples counseling can never be too early.


I’m skeptical about my partner’s ability make a change…

When both partners participate in therapy, there is hope for the relationship. Couples counseling offers a platform where both individuals can express themselves, feel heard, and gain understanding with our guidance. Our therapists remain impartial and do not favor one side over the other. While we cannot guarantee that your partner will change, their attendance at counseling sessions offers a glimmer of hope. If your partner is genuinely committed to learning and enhancing the relationship, positive changes can occur. It's essential to remember that relationships often improve when one person starts prioritizing healthy behaviors, irrespective of the other's actions.

But if you decide that your relationship is just no longer working and you decide to separate, we can help you navigate this more peacefully.


Is counseling going to be expensive?


Attending marriage counseling requires a significant time commitment and is undoubtedly an investment in your future. However, consider this perspective: Therapy typically costs far less than going through a divorce, not to mention the emotional toll it can take. Your therapist will collaborate with you to determine the optimal plan and the number of sessions required to foster a healthy relationship. If you're questioning whether the investment is worthwhile, the resounding answer is YES! Prioritizing your relationship now will pay off for years to come.

Is talking about our relationship problems during counseling going to cause more pain?

No, quite the opposite. Imagine this: Avoiding discussions about your relationship issues is akin to placing a band-aid on an infected wound and hoping it will heal on its own. The infection persists despite the superficial treatment. A healthy, intimate relationship is built on mutual listening, respect, and acknowledgment of each other's feelings. Engaging in open dialogue, expressing concerns, and addressing underlying issues are essential steps in the healing process. Although it may initially feel daunting or counterintuitive, our approach in counseling is designed to equip you with effective tools for navigating challenges. By utilizing proven couples therapy techniques, we empower you to adopt new approaches that foster understanding and resolution.


Conflict often arises from disparities in values, such as those related to finances, parenting, in-laws, sex, and power dynamics within the relationship. Many couples enter marriage with unspoken expectations, leading to conflicts that can be resolved through open communication and mutual understanding.

Couple's Shadow

Let Us Help You Rediscover Your Healthy Relationship Journey

The therapists at In View Counseling offer couples therapy that can help you clarify goals, address uncomfortable topics, and overcome obstacles related to your relationship.


To find out more, contact us to schedule a free, 15-minute consultation.

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