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Does It Feel Like Your Anxiety Has More Control Over Your Thoughts And Feelings Than You Do?

Do you or your child struggle with anxious, ruminating thoughts on a loop?

Is it difficult for you to stay engaged in new experiences or social situations out of a fear of being judged or rejected?

Simply put, are you overwhelmed by worry?

There are many kinds of anxiety, including phobias, social anxiety, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), and Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD). GAD is common and often compromises work, academic performance, relationships, and overall quality of life.

Perhaps you tend to get “stuck” in certain thoughts or develop analysis paralysis in even the most normal, everyday situations. You may catch yourself always anticipating the next move or replaying your interactions in your head. As a result, you likely find a hard time staying present and focused. 

Yet, it’s not as if your anxiety gives you a break at the end of the day, even after you’ve checked off every box on your to-do list. You probably go to bed with a racing mind, preventing you from being able to relax or get a restful night of sleep. And you may have noticed physical tension creeping into your body, causing general aches and pains or your muscles to tighten. This is especially true for children struggling with anxiety, as they tend to develop digestive issues, headaches, and other physical symptoms when anxiety strikes.

Image by Uday Mittal

The More Anxious You Become, The Harder It Becomes To Ask For Help


When you think about it, it’s a sense of control that you seek. Unsure about delegating tasks to others or worried about what will happen if you aren’t the one to handle everything, you may not be used to asking for help. Furthermore, you may feel as though you are undeserving of support because you signed up for certain responsibilities or are worried about appearing inflexible or incompetent when establishing healthy boundaries.


It's possible to let go of certain expectations and not always assume the worst. Even if anxious thinking has been ingrained for a long time, your perspective can change. Working with a therapist in anxiety treatment, you will be given strategies for managing uncertainty and letting go of worst-case-scenario thinking. 

Woman with head in hands looking stressed

Anxiety Is A Normal Part Of Being Human


All of us encounter feelings of fear and worry, especially when faced with a stressful situation. However, anxiety can become severe enough to warrant treatment if it begins to impact every aspect of our thought or decision-making process. 


Rates of anxiety have dramatically increased since the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, especially among younger populations. The World Health Organization estimates that there was a “massive” surge of anxiety disorders in 2020—close to a 25 percent increase—as life quickly became characterized by sudden transitions in schools and workplaces, isolation, and devastating loss.¹ Alongside the pandemic came immense pressures around “appearing” a certain way or fitting in with certain cultural/political norms, which can be anxiety-inducing in an increasingly polarized society. 


If we could simply will ourselves out of anxiety or the intense pressures we face on a daily basis, we would all be experts in stress management. However, the reality is that we are more likely to become “stuck” in certain patterns than aware of how to free ourselves from those patterns. It becomes increasingly to self-regulate an overactive nervous system without training and practice. The good news is that therapeutic treatment uses evidence-based practices that have the potential to greatly reduce anxiety-related symptoms. 


Working with a therapist, you can understand the purpose that anxiety serves in your life so that you are better equipped to respond to it in a healthier, more manageable way.

Therapy For Anxiety At In View Counseling


When living with anxiety, it can be very difficult to see situations for what they are, without the tint of fear and worry. Therapy provides you or your child with a safe space to navigate the complexities of anxiety, offering deeper insights into your unique challenges, values, and goals. Our therapists will help you identify how you want to live—without a feeling of constant threat—so that you can restore feelings of peace and control in your life.

Supportive Friend

What To Expect


Treatment for anxiety at In View Counseling is available to clients of all ages (5 and older). Depending on your age, background, and severity of symptoms, we tailor the therapeutic process to address your specific experience of anxiety. Because we are a culturally aware, neuro-affirming practice, we aim to meet clients where they are and work to empower their innate strengths and insights. 


The main function of anxiety treatment is to help you or your child recognize the role of anxiety in your life. Counseling allows you to cultivate inner peace and emotional awareness by distinguishing between the areas where your anxiety is helpful and where it is harmful. Instead of fighting against it, you can learn how to calmly tell your anxiety that it is no longer serving you. And while we tailor the process to meet the needs of each client’s experience and abilities, there are several evidence-based approaches we will likely draw from in therapy. These include:

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) – allows you to identify how anxiety impacts your thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and body so you can adjust your perspective

  • Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) - rewires the brain by healing core trauma that leads to symptoms of anxiety and panic

  • Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) therapy – especially useful for OCD, as it helps to temper fears associated with obsessive, catastrophic thinking patterns related to anxiety

  • Internal Family Systems (IFS) – uses parts work to help identify the function of anxiety so that you can respond to symptoms more effectively

  • Mindfulness and relaxation exercises – may include body scans, guided imagery, and progressive muscle relaxation to promote feelings of calm in the body


With meaningful support, it’s possible to stay present in your life and not suffer from overwhelming emotional and physical sensations. Chronic stress and worry are no doubt burdensome, but therapy gives you a chance to take back some of the power that anxiety has taken away.

Still Unsure If Therapy Can Benefit You Or Your Child?

I can’t remember a time when I did not experience anxiety, so I doubt a therapist can help. 


There is a reason for the anxious tendencies that you have developed throughout your life, and counseling provides you with an opportunity to get to the root of those tendencies. Working with a therapist, you can better understand why you developed certain coping mechanisms and how those mechanisms either relieved or contributed to anxiety-related symptoms. As you develop newfound awareness through counseling, you can replace maladaptive coping patterns with healthy, affirming ones so that you continually reduce the burden that anxiety has had on your life.

I don’t need therapy—anxiety affects everyone. 


It’s true that everyone experiences some form of anxiety. However, if symptoms have been getting in the way of living the life you want or becoming the person you want to be, then it’s likely your anxiety symptoms warrant treatment. Therapy allows you to learn lifelong coping strategies so that you can function better at school, work, or in your relationships, achieving a lifestyle that aligns with your values.

Can I attend my child’s anxiety treatment sessions with them?


Parents are essential to the treatment process for children and teens alike. That said, it’s important for all of our clients to have a safe, neutral therapeutic space where they can explore their symptoms and experiences. We will collaborate with you to learn more about your child’s history with anxiety, address any safety concerns, and go over strategies that you and your family have used to ease anxiety symptoms. Therapy sessions will typically involve just your child and their therapist, but we will work with you continuously throughout the process to ensure that you have the tools needed to support your child at home.

Writing a Diary
Window with Plant

You Can Regain A Sense Of Control

If chronic stress and worry have significantly impacted your quality of life, anxiety therapy through In View Counseling offers you strategies for restoring peace and control.


To find out more about how we can help, schedule a free, 15-minute consultation by contacting us.

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